Playful Minds,Happy Hearts- Sports Meet Organised for Balvatika Wing 2025 « 01/Jan/1970
Playful Minds,Happy Hearts- Sports Meet Organised for Balvatika Wing at BVM SEC-39
A vibrant and exhilarating Sports Meet for Balvatika Wing was organised at BVM SEC-39. First day was for LKG Class. The day was filled with opportunities for physical activities and essential life skill development. The event commenced with the lamp lighting ceremony honoured to Sh. Nirmal Singh Grandfather of Mankirat Singh ( L.K.G-Rose). Various fun-filled events were tracked like- Biscuit Eating Race, Frog Race, Collect the Toy and Run, Balloon Bursting Race, Play with Hulla Hoop and Run and Get Ready and Go.
Manya Kapoor, Mankirat Singh, lnaya,Krishu Singh, Sahibpreet Kaur and Aayansh Tiwari were the winners of events respectively. Parents also enjoyed the events by participating in Back Race for fathers and One Leg Race for Mothers
Principal, Ms Upasna Modgil through her words of appreciation congratulated the students and the teachers for their effortless spirit.