Christmas is a perfect time to celebrate the love of God and to create memories that last forever. The festival of Christmas was celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm. Tiny tots of BALVATIKA to II celebrated Christmas with great vitality. Junior BVMITES were attired in Santa's dresses and performed Art and Craft activity of the Christmas. They also vocalised mellifluous Carols of Christmas. Senior BVMITES took part in Painting, Cards, Santa Mask, Snowman, Hangings, Christmas Trees and Model Making activities. The boundless joy of celebrating the festival was evident on the faces of all children.
Principal Upasna Modgil wished everyone to be happy and enjoy Christmas wholeheartedly.She further exclaimed that Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plentiful in mercy, is the real spirit of Christmas.