Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School


Affiliated With CBSE
Affiliation No: 1631295
Click here to download 'Registration cum Admission Form' for Nursery(Balvatika-I), L.K.G.(Balvatika-II) and U.K.G.(Balvatika-III) for the Session 2025-26. Forms are also available at School Reception on all working days from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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Tree Plantation Week 2021 « 01/Jul/2021

BVMites pledged to plant trees to green Motherland

Trees are the kindest things we grow.This has been rightly said as the needs of all the living beings are fulfilled  by them , but their depleting number has become a grave issue.To make students aware of this issue and taking initiative towards it , BVM, Sector 39,  celebrated Tree Plantation Week  with sizeable exuberance.The celebration  is always an ideal opportunity to instil the value of social responsibility in the students towards safeguarding trees and forests .Due to Covid-19 situation, it was not feasible to have tree plantation program on open ground ,so children were encouraged to water the potted plants at home . To commemorate this occasion, a string  of virtual activities were organised. Students delivered messages  of preserving the flora through speeches, poems and songs. They also took solemn pledge with their family members to grow more trees. Principal,Upasna Modgil  encouraged the students to preserve trees .She added that all students should make an effort to plant trees and nurture the environment .She talked about the scientific temper and encouraged them to think and act scientifically.She said that scientific temper is required in every child, every individual to make important decisions in life.