Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School


Affiliated With CBSE
Affiliation No: 1631295
Click here to download 'Registration cum Admission Form' for Nursery(Balvatika-I), L.K.G.(Balvatika-II) and U.K.G.(Balvatika-III) for the Session 2025-26. Forms are also available at School Reception on all working days from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Message Board

World Food Day « 16/Oct/2020

'World Food Day'

" No one can think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
In an effort to end hunger and promote a healthy life style, World Food Day was observed by BVM Sr. Sec. School, Sec-39, Chd. Rd. . In this process a series of flavorful activities were held with great avidity, arousing the festive mood for  the festive food Thali presentation along with oil free food with healthy glee. One of the foremost move of the day was the pledge " Don't waste food and save or serve food to needy people," taken by the students . In her message Principal Mrs. Upasna Modgil expressed that we must promise ourselves to never waste food , as an initiative and contribution to save food for those who are hungry. She also added that let us make a difference with a small action .