Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School


Affiliated With CBSE
Affiliation No: 1631295
Click here to download 'Registration cum Admission Form' for Nursery(Balvatika-I), L.K.G.(Balvatika-II) and U.K.G.(Balvatika-III) for the Session 2025-26. Forms are also available at School Reception on all working days from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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550th Birth Anniversary Celebration Started « 06/Nov/2019

       One week long celebration started to commemorate the 550th anniversary of the Birth of Guru Nanak Dev ji. Through a series of activities like Paper Reading, Recital of the Path - 'Do Pauria' for 1st and 2nd class, Quiz on Guru Nanak Dev Ji for 6th and 7th class, Sketch Making for 8th and 9th class, Play on Guru Ji by +1 commerce and speeches on Guru Ji by +2 Science including Prabhat Pheri and Shabad Gayan taking participation of III to V classes. To observe the celebration, today Sezal from +2 commerce made conversant the students with the teachings Of Guru Nanak Dev Ji by Paper Reading. Students of class students of class VII performed, the activities of recital of 'Panj Pauria' followed with a question/answer activities based on the life experience of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji under the supervision of respective class incharges.
       Principal, Upasna Modgil, asked the students to be pure at heart and follow the teachings Of Guru Ji in our life.